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Die Landjudenschaften in Deutschland als Organe jüdischer Selbstverwaltung von der frühen Neuzeit bis ins neunzehnte Jahrhundert

Volume Three: Pfalz-Saarland (cont.), Oberrheinlande, Schwaben, Niedersachsen, Westfalen-Lippe, Ostfriesland, Brandenburg-Preussen-Halberstadt, Mecklenburg

Series: Fontes ad Res Judaicas Spectantes (Sources for Jewish History)
Published jointly with the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.
The Landjudenschaften operated within German Jewry in the early part of the modern era, up to the beginning of the nineteenth century. In contrast with the autonomous institutions – the Va’adim or Medinot – of East European Jewry, which were corporations of communities, the Landjudenschaften, notwithstanding the existence of organized local communities, were essentially associations of individuals. To a large extent, they combined the functions and powers of a local community with those of an intercommunal body.
This three-volume series collects documents pertaining to the Landjudenschaften in German, Hebrew and Yiddish, accompanied by notes and historical commentary in German.
Publication Date: 2001
Language(s): German, Hebrew and Yiddish
ISBN / ISSN: 965-208-130-2
Pages: 668   Trim size (cm): 15 × 24   Binding: Cloth