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Online Price: 200 NIS 180.00 NIS

The Five Biblical Scrolls in a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Translation into Belorussian (Vilnius Codex 262)

Vilnius Codex 262 contains a translation from Hebrew into Belorussian of several biblical books, composed just when Belorussian was emerging in its modern form. The manuscript of the five scrolls is displayed here in a complete photographic reproduction, accompanied by a transcription on facing pages. The introductory chapters and the critical commentary highlight the text’s distinctiveness from other, non-Jewish translations of the Bible into Slavic, and its affinity with translations into languages of the Jewish Diaspora. The last portion of the work is a complete Belorussian-Hebrew Concordance, compiled by Moshe Taube.
Publication Date: 1992
Language(s): English
ISBN / ISSN: 965-208-100-0
Pages: 424   Trim size (cm): 18 × 27   Binding: Cloth