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The Onomasticon of Iudaea • Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek and Latin Sources

Volume One: Introduction, Sources, Major Texts

With Judith Green.
The Onomasticon, a monumental endeavor begun in the 1960s by the late Prof. Michael Avi-Yonah, collates all the known Greek and Latin literary and documentary sources mentioning geographical and ethnic names attested in Iudaea, under the Hasmonaean and Herodian dynasties, and in the Roman and Byzantine provinces of Palaestina and Arabia – an area today spread over Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Sinai and southern Syria.
The source texts, dating from the fourth century BCE to the seventh century CE, are culled from over 1,300 texts by more than 750 separate authors, and from papyri, inscriptions and coins. The individual place names are arranged in alphabetical entries, each presenting a comprehensive collection of excerpts from the texts in which that place is mentioned. Where possible, the places are identified and described on the basis of up-to-date archaeological and bibliographical research.
Volume I contains an annotated bibliography of the primary source texts, a collection of major texts from which many of the sources in the alphabetical entries are excerpted, and a listing of all the place names covered in the series.
All of the extracts are presented in the original Greek or Latin and in English translation, except for those that were preserved only in Syriac, which are presented in English translation.
Publication Date: 2015
Language(s): English, Greek and Latin
ISBN / ISSN: 978-965-208-201-5
Pages: 458   Trim size (cm): 18 × 27   Binding: Cloth